Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My July 2013 Reads

Still catching up with books and quotes... I finished reading The Amber Spyglass to the kids in July. This is the second of Philip Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy. Love this series.
Page 141: Either Mrs. Coulter did not know the boil of feelings that her simple words had lanced, or she was monstrously clever.

Ann Patchet's The Magician's Assistant was a pleasure. (Although I loved Patchet's Bel Canto more and recommend it emphatically.)  I just saw a magician last weekend when my family and I visited Silverwood. He was pretty decent, even. After reading this book I have more respect for magicians and the level of commitment they have to have to their craft. All the practice. I loved the juxtaposition of the beautiful and polished Sabine from California and the rough and gravelly family in the Midwest.
Page 8: She took no stock in dreams. To her they were just a television left on in another room.
Page 106: It was the moment neither of them knew what would happen.
Page 121: When Parsifal died she lost the rest of his life, but now she had stumbled on eighteen years. Eighteen untouched years that she could have; early, forgotten volumes of her favorite work.
Page 174: Now she understood why he had lied to her, and how it was less a lie, the complete burial of an unmentionable truth.

My daughter borrowed The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chlosky from the library. She had seen the trailers for the movie that was based on the book. She finished it in a day and told me I should read it. So I did. I could hardly put it down either, I got so invested in this kid's experience. I didn't take any quotes and I'm not sure if it just didn't have one-liners or if I was too busy reading.

And that was July.

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