Monday, May 23, 2016

The Invention of Wings

What a lovely story, Sue Monk Kidd's Invention of Wings. It's interesting to me how the characters in a story based on historical people often come across as less alive to me. I'm not sure why that is. Also it's a gross generalization; don't pay any attention to me!

This story was the perfect tale to tell with the fatalism of being strangle-held by the culture one is born into, and then doing what one can do about it in the end. I took only one quote - not sure why that was. It was certainly well written and smoothly crafted. Sometimes it's the highest compliment when I don't take quotes because it may be that I am too engrossed in the story to be bothered! I do recommend reading it.

Page 144:  I'd been wandering about in the enchantments of romance, afflicted with the worst female curse on earth, the need to mold myself to expectations.