Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Dance With Dragons

George R. R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons is the fifth of the series A Song of Ice and Fire.
Still enthralled. Looking forward to the next one.

Page 90:  Sleep opened beneath him like a well, and he threw himself into it with a will and let the darkness eat him up.

Page 260:  The Bridge of Dream, Griff had called it, but this dream was smashed and broken. Pale stone arches marched off into the fog, reaching from the Palace of Sorrow to the river's western bank. Half of them had collapsed, pulled down by the weight of the grey moss that draped them and the thick black vines that snaked upward from the water.

Page 519:  Despite his bastard birth, or perhaps because of it, Jon Snow had dreamed of leading men to glory just as King Daeron had, of growing up to be a conqueror. Now he was a man grown and the Wall was his, yet all he had were doubts. He could not even seem to conquer those.

Page 581:  All skulls grinned, but this one seemed happier than most.

Page 843:  Every choice had its risks, every choice its consequences. He would play the game to its conclusion.

Page 935:  "Whore!" someone cried out. A woman's voice. Women were always the cruelest where other women were concerned.