Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt, is full of memorable characters. The industrious and practical Tova feels steadfast and is easy to root for. Cameron is flawed yet forgivable, and Marcellus the Octopus is the wise one. The story, a ponderance on loneliness and purpose, is well-crafted and its ending wraps up like a hug. A satisfying read. Some quotes:
Page 9: Tova has always felt more than a bit of empathy for the sharks, with their never-ending laps around the tank. She understands what it means to never be able to stop moving, lest you find yourself unable to breathe.
Page 81: Now, Tova comes here to be alone with her thoughts, when she needs a break from being alone in her house. When even the television can't punch through the unbearable quiet.
Page 167: The smile on Tova's face hangs there, for a long moment, like it's unsure whether to fall off or not.
Page 184: But I have knowledge. To the extent that happiness is possible for a creature like me, it lies in knowledge.